I booked my flight for my trip to Chicago in July! I can't wait! I haven't been to Chicago in what seems like forever. It will be great to see Dana and Paul's new place and hang out with them. I will also be seeing my friends Sarah, Sandra and Beth, friends of mine from high school. That's right people, high school! There are 8 of us that have been friends since high school and still keep in touch. We don't get to see each other all that often since we are now living in Iowa, California, Illinois, Indiana, Florida and Tennessee, so I am super pumped to see great friends I haven't seen in a long time.
And I love Chicago. I think it's the different neighborhoods that I really like. It doesn't seem like such a big city when you spend time in the different neighborhoods. I do like strolling along Michigan Ave and shopping, but the different neighborhoods of the city have great shopping too! Sarah has lived in different neighborhoods the 8 years she's lived there so when I visit it's fun to explore her neighborhood with her and see what great shops and restaurants are close by. Dana and Paul just moved into their house in Irving Park in March and I've only seen photos and can't wait to see the house and their neighborhood.

Me, Sarah & Sandra during my last trip to Chicago in 2006. It HAS been forever!
jealous. have a great time. hugs to ya.