Wow Dylan, you are 3 today! Your dad and I have had so much fun watching you grow up these past few years. It's amazing to us how much you change and grow from month to month. You have started to tell us stories about what happens at school, it's so much fun to hear about your day! One of your favorite things to do is to go golfing with your dad. I think the golf clubs we got your for your birthday will definitely be put to good use! You do such a good job hitting the ball and taking your time putting. So far, golfing is the only activity that will hold your attention for any period of time. You love to stand on the couch or your bed and yell "Superhero to the rescue!" as loud as you can. You still love to play outside, whether it's running around the house, riding your bike, kicking a ball, helping water plants or running in the sprinkler, as long as we are outside you are happy.
What don't you like? Naps, I am worried you are getting very close to our growing them soon. You are such a busy little boy I think you still need to take some time for a nap in the afternoon. You are also a picky eater, both your dad and I were picky eaters, so maybe you got that from us. We are still working on using "nice" hands, some days are better than others.
You are such a sweet boy, you love to hug and pet the cats. You are also a great helper, feeding the cats in the morning, picking up toys and making the beds are your favorites.
We love you so much and can't wait to see what the next year holds!
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