I am way behind in posting. My sister visited in January and I have a great photo of her with Dylan and Harper, but it's on the computer and didn't get uploaded to Flickr so I haven't posted it. Everything seems like that lately, just a little behind.
We have been busy lately, but it seems like it is just with everyday stuff, taking care of the kids, working, running, oh, yes I did say running. I bet you didn't think you would her me say that BOTH of us would be running... this would have been most appropriate for me a few weeks ago...

or maybe this...
Not anymore my friends, I started the couch to 5k program with Fleet Feet last week. I did some run/walks for the week before training started and I think that helped me loosen up because I haven't really been too sore yet. I did my longest run on Sunday, 20 minutes without stopping! It was about 1.2 miles, so not super impressive time wise or even distance, but for me it was huge! I also moved up running groups last night and ran with the run only group instead of the run 2 minutes walk 1 minute group. I actually was sweaty after last nights run (even though it was cold and windy) so I think that is the right group for me. It hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be considering I don't like running. I do have a bunch of weight I want to loose and running is the best way to do that (along with eating healthier of course) so I am sucking it up. I feel accountable to the group to show up for the runs and do the runs on the days I am not meeting at the store to do the group runs, so I can be ready for the longer distances.
It has been hard for Dave though. Now he is home with the kids two nights a week while I am out running, usually seeing his friends that are still meeting for group runs. He is getting runs in with friends on other days though. However, there is a pub run on Thursday that I am going to and he will be home with the kids. I am pretty sure his worlds are colliding, but he is handling it well. We won't have young kids at home forever, so eventually we will be able to do what we want, when we want.
Harper continues to be adorable. She is so close to rolling over. Although I am secretly dreading it because then she won't be able to sleep swaddled in her sleep sack at night. I am hoping that she will sleep well on her tummy though and start sleeping through the night. Right now she goes to bed at 7pm and usually wakes up once a night, sometimes its 12:30 sometimes is 3, 4 or 5 am. I would like to put her to bed later so we don't get woken up in the middle of the night, but she is just DONE by 6:45 or so.
Dylan will be starting coach pitch baseball in a few weeks. He loves staying home with Dave two days a week. Usually one of those days they will meet me for lunch. They stay busy doing chores around the house, golfing, playing outside and running errands. Dylan is also a great helper with Harper and loves to give her kisses and always makes sure he tells her good night and gives her a kiss. Harper is enamored with Dylan, when she hears him talk she looks at him with huge smiles and just stares. It really is sweet.
Harper's baptism is in a few weeks and we are super excited to have a bunch of family coming in to celebrate with us.
What have you been up to?!