We got quite a bit done on Saturday regarding the bushes in front of the porch. Our friend James came over Saturday morning and got to work with Dave on cutting down the bushes so they were more manageable. Then they hooked up the chain to the stumps to pull out the bushes by the roots. The first bush came out pretty easily, surprisingly since it had the largest root system. The other ones took a little more work but were pulled out in the end. 
Starting to cut away at the bushesIt's quite a change to see the front of the house now, without the bushes, it really does open it up a lot. And if you look around our neighborhood, all the houses that have porches have bushes in front of them that really hide them. Unfortunately we got quite a bit of rain this afternoon so we were not able to plant new plants out front. We did power wash the driveway.
Which took FOREVER. But wow, there is such a huge difference in the driveway now. And yes, I did work for an hour power washing, so Dave can't say I didn't do anything today.
Since Dave has Monday off he is going to get the plants for the front. We are thinking some native grasses, maybe a hardy hibiscus (we had hibiscus in Florida and LOVED them). If anyone has any suggestions on what to plant let me know! We also have some large decorative rocks that we are going to put out front.
Also a BIG thanks to our friend James for helping us out this morning, we couldn't have done it without you!
We also pulled out the RR ties from the hosta bed behind the deck, we need to get new ones and finish that too. Will the work on this house ever end? No is the answer, because we still have to paint the front porch, mulch and plant the rest of our garden. I hope you enjoy home and garden posts because that is what you are going to get for awhile!
what a difference a few bushes make! the front of the house looks great. good work!